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Audition Protocols

Guidance for Auditions

Guidance for Auditions

As we hit the first weekend of Auditions for Shrek the Musical, it is vitally important that you work with us to ensure that we are doing everything we can to keep everyone safe.  


You should have received, by email,  a copy of our Risk Assessment, our Protocols and our Opening Plan.  Please note that these are working documents and are subject to weekly review.

1) Please arrive at The Arch just before your timeslot.  You must ENTER through the PEDESTRIAN gate which MUST remain OPEN at all times. 

2) Please queue outside the FIRE EXIT at the KITCHEN end of the building.  Please observe the 2m markings that will be on the floor whilst waiting.  

3) You will be invited into The Arch where you MUST sanitize your hands before following the floor markings to a seat.

4)  You will then be invited to follow the markings into the performance space where you will be 4 metres away from the audition panel.  Please note the audition panel will be socially distanced at 2m intervals (with the exception of those from the same household).  

5) Once your audition is complete, you must exit through the FIRE EXIT at the REAR end of the building.  Please sanitize your hands as you leave and walk along the side of the building.  Please follow the tape and floor markings to ensure that you EXIT through the CAR PARK GATE which MUST be left OPEN at all times    


 - We ask parents to ideally wait in your vehicles.  Alternatively, please wait outside of The Arch gates - allowing enough space for others to enter as necessary. 

 - Please do not park in The Arch car park - with exception of the audition panel who will be first in and last out.  

 - Please bring your own water bottle as we will not be providing drinks.  

- Toilets will be in use but may only be occupied by ONE PERSON AT A TIME.  

- If you need to communicate with us on the day, please use 07984 989842

- Doors and windows will be open at all times to ensure adequate ventilation.  Please dress accordingly.  

- You are more than welcome to wear Face masks whilst in The Arch.  However, naturally we ask that you remove them for the brief time that you are in the audition itself.  

We hope this puts your mind at rest that we have done everything possible to make this a safe and positive experience for all, including that of our audition panel.   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact